Thursday, December 3, 2009

Yay! A new background! Hooray for winter!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I am definitely technologically challenged! What is up with changing the background? I have done it before all by myself but today I am trying to put up a Christmas background and I cannot! Hurry and get home Caitlyn mommy needs you! Ha Ha! There are some cute ones too.
Oh well(sigh) on to other things.
It was good to see Lindsay and Nick over thanksgiving break. And Jordan too although I only saw him for about a minute!
Going down to see my mom with my siblings was great! Mom is doing okay.Missouri is very different in December than it is in July! Still worth going for! We did have great weather though, it was about in the 70's.
I am talking to Kristin while I type this! Hi Kristin! She doesn't know that though. Yay, school is almost over for her! Happy Graduation!