Sunday, September 28, 2008

Suzy Homemaker

You should all be very scared! I spent yesterday in my kitchen. I figured out how to use my bread machine! Guess what, you are all now getting a loaf of bread for Christmas along with your tomatos! Did you know it only takes about five minutes to put everything in the machine and then you just plug it in and turn it on? Of course this defeats the purpose of making bread if you want to beat something up! I also made two apple pies, I was only going to make one but I had wayyyy more apples than I thought!
Also one other thing, when you are feeling down as I have been lately, you should open your scriptures and read! Can you believe I forgot how important that was? It won't take away your problems but it reminds you there is some one out there with a bigger view of your life. A plan for you even! It is amazing what you can discover by preparing a primary lesson. I know my sunbeams aren't going to get nearly what I did out of my lesson today.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Where did all those come from!

Hi Everyone!
I just wanted to let you all know that you will be getting a jar of tomatos for Christmas this year! Yup, thats right! Yesterday I spent 6 hours with Lisa Baldwin and canned tomatos from our garden! I bought 12 quart jars and Lisa brought over 6 and guess how many we filled...17. It didn't look like that many but we just kept filling jars! At the end she looked at me and said "you weren't kidding about having a lot of tomatos!" I am going to put a ribbon around one and keep it on my counter 'cause they are so pretty! I may try some jelly next!

Friday, September 5, 2008

The Date ?

Caitlyn, you need to change the date under Kristin and Jacob's picture it is FALSE! Ha Ha! ( i don't know why i am laughing)
Everyone go to all your classes and get good grades this semester!