Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Sorry Kristin!

Sorry you have a loser mom. I do love you though! I will find a way to get you your birthday present some day! You are not forgotten! I know you can turn to Jacob in your sorrow at having a loser mom and he will be a great comfort to you!!
Love you lots!

p.s. I would write more but I hear Matthais upstairs and I don't want him running amuck up there all by himself!
Look what a cute picture of you I found!!

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Holy smokes that picture is old! Haha, it's really funny though. Thank you mom I feel much better. Jacob is a great comforter in my time of need, so I think I will turn to him and make him buy me something nice! haha, like he would fall for that...